Batana Oil

Natural Organic Batana Oil – From Honduras | Restores, Revives & Nourishes Damaged Hair & Scalp | Thickens Hair & Repairs Split Ends | Face & Body Skin Moisturizer | Stops Hair Loss and Gray Hair
4 OZ jar
100% Batana oil is extremely rare as the process to produce it is labor intensive and for the most part done manually. However, the process is more than worth it. Did I mention it’s INCREDIBLE? It is found in the rainforests on the northeast side of La Moskitia, Honduras. The oil is extracted from pine nuts of the American oil palm tree. Also known as Elaeis oleifera, the American oil palm tree is native to tropical Central and South America.
The Indigenous Miskito Indian tribes in Honduras harvest the batana oil. Miskito people are commonly called “Tawira,” which means “the people of beautiful hair.” They credit the beautiful look, length, strength, feel and color of their hair to the use of batana oil and call it “Miracle Oil.” According to Wikipedia
Ingredients: 100% Pure Batana Oil